Informal learning is one of three forms of learning defined by the ‘Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’ (OECD). Informal learning occurs in a variety of places, such as at home, work, and through daily interactions and shared relationships among members of society. For many learners, this includes language acquisition, cultural norms, and manners. While informal learning often takes place outside educational establishments and does not follow a specified curriculum, it can also occur within educational settings and even during formal learning situations. Educators can structure their lessons to directly utilize their students’ informal learning skills within the education setting. Informal Education in contemporary context has become an imperative method to promote and educate under-privileged children, when parents cannot afford formal education especially in the case of migrant and marginalized section of the society.
Education in any format is a thought full process by which the inner powers of the individual are developed and is a crucial component of any effective effort to eliminate and protect children from all forms of exploitation. In the current unfortunate scenario where even the international community has failed to provide education for all, there is undeniable evidence of continuing, and in some cases increasing, problems of child exploitation and child labor.
In light of understanding the role of education in the building of a society, CECS under its IEMC project supported by Wipro Cares has continued to give marginalized children the ability to envision a brighter and an improved future through its Informal Education Centres imparting value based education which facilitates and encourages upward mobility. IEMC has demonstrated result oriented experience through education which has proved significant in the prevention of child labour and the rehabilitation of former child workers and drop-outs.
The enrollment for the current year was a total of 778 children in 15 IEMC Centres, out of which a total of 248 children have been mainstreamed into formal schools (both Government and private Schools). Ensuring improvement and enhancement of theoretical knowledge and all round development various co-curricular activities have been organized throughout the year in all the centres such as games and sports, cleanliness drive, observation of national and international important day, art and crafts etc. Moreover with the aim of enhancing enrollment, retention of children, improved regularity and nutritional benefits, the project provides nutritional food through midday meal to all the children. This eliminates hunger during the class hours as most of these children come without proper meal and it enables the children to attend class with keen interest.
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