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CECS Annual Report 2012-2013



Community Educational Centre Society (CECS) is a non-governmental organization working for children, it came into official existence on 10th of April 2001 with the support of World Wide vision, India. Since 2001 CECS has been actively working under the chairmanship of Mr. Subonenba Longkumer, for the welfare of under privileged children, street children, and orphans with its main focus on child labour. Apart from imparting education to such children Community Educational Centre Society has been involved in creating awareness through campaigns, medical camps, life skill training and capacity building trainings. It runs educational programs and rehabilitation centers for all kinds of child related stigma.

The foundation of this organization is its children, for 8 years now CECS has been working

With the media covering CECS campaigns and activities, awareness about the centre’s work and program is getting more visibility in the social sector. CECS is also the Nodal organization for running CHILDLINE 1098 in Dimapur which is a national 24 hour free phone emergency outreach service for children in need of care and protection that aims to link children to long term services, supported by the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and links state governments, NGO’s, Bilateral/Multilateral agencies, allied systems and sometimes the corporate sector.

With a vision that “Every child is a gift of God to be loved and cared with fullness of life” Community Educational Centre Society (CECS) sets on a mission ‘to seek and transform the lives of vulnerable children through comprehensive educational values, health care and developmental activities that promote and safeguard the rights of the children in the community’. In a campaign CECS challenged the youth to rise against Child labour and abuse discrimination of children, so that in the next 10-15 years Nagaland will be a ‘Child labour free state’. So holding on to that hope of a ‘future without child labour’ CEC society is working its way to reach the goal.

Since then starting from 2011 the organization has ventured from advocating child rights issues and imparting education, to community development for rural Nagaland and women empowerment to support the need of tribal women through livelihood programme.

Our organization targets to help women to be the builder of their homes by empowering them through the women livelihood programme under RajeswariKarunaRozgarYojana, to help unemployed, widowed, economically unstable and dependent women.


Over the years Community Education Centre Society has helped bring some visible changes in the society, our attempt to help the children and the society in whole has been supported and backed by many. In a brief attempt to review some of the achievements, here are some of the highlights of CECS:



1) Community Education Centre School, CEC (School for marginalized children): The school’s official existence came on 10th of April 2001 with the support of World Wide vision, India. Since 2001 CECS has been actively working under the chairmanship of Mr. Subonenba Longkumer, for the welfare of under privileged children, street children, and orphans with its main focus on child labour. Apart from imparting education to such children Community Educational Centre Society has been involved in creating awareness through campaigns, medical camps, life skill training and capacity building trainings. It runs an educational program for all kinds of child related stigma.
Focus-on providing the school with necessary infrastructural development
Effort- in imparting constructive values for children to excel towards their full potential
Provide-the school with standard learning equipments and access to facilities

The school since its inception has helped rehabilitate children in need through no cost education, till date there are more than 400 children enrolled from elementary to intermediate classes, there has been changes in the number of student enrollments due to various fundamental reasons. But our effort has always been to reach children and play our part to fulfill the mission in creating and bringing change to the society focusing on the marginalized sections.

Note: New School infrastructure for CEC is coming up. This change will see new development in the form of- updated resources for educational curriculum, special health care etc.

2) Women Empowerment & Livelihood Programme (WELP): The Women Empowerment Livelihood Programme (WELP) was launched in early October 2012 as a flagship program on tribal Naga women with financial support from “The Hans Foundation” in Nagaland under the banner ‘Enhance per capita income of household of low income group in the target community’. Till date there are 43 women beneficiaries to the income generating project on animal rearing and shop outlets. The programme is active in 11 villages and it is showing progressive results in the lives of the women with exception to some casualties.

Women owned business venture are slowly gaining momentum in the state, ventures like shop, micro food processing units, rearing & selling of poultry and pig has become very common source of generating income. Women Empowerment Livelihood Programme is centralised on women and the issues surrounding their living standards and the challenges faced in order to sustain their economic way of life.

Objectives & vision


The project in its first stage of implementation: Note: Till now WELP has helped 50 women beneficiaries, covering two districts of Nagaland i.e., Mokokchung & Dimapur and 16 villages in rural areas of both the districts.

3) Integrated Water Management & Supply: IWRMS is a project running under the support of The Hans Foundation aiming to provide the community with the much needed water resources in the village, starting since January 2013. IWRMS is aimed to provide the community in helping them maintain the natural sources available to them. There is inconsistency in the future availability of water due to variations in climate change. It is important that IWRMS not only focus on providing the community with the water sources needed for their usage but also help in maintaining the source, through awareness, training/or community treatment so that in future there would be less scarcity.

Achievements: 4) Child Right on Wheels, CRW: The programme was started in 2012, focusing on the need to gain more outreach in rescue missions and spreading awareness. The project works hand in hand with Childline, Women’s cell and other child protective services. The programm co-ordinates with Child Rights body and services, it helps out during rescue missions, helping out in the needs for children both on the road and institutions. The programme aims to reach out to more organizations and also to the wider section of the society in order to reach and fulfill its objective. Nicknamed as the ‘wheel project’, CRW is performing round ups on children issues by cooperation with Child protective organizations like CHILDLINE 1098 and NCLP.

Objectives Achievement/Facts:
5) CHILDLINE 1098: CECS is the Nodal office for this project of the ‘Union Ministry of Women and Child Development’, Government of India. CHILDLINE is a 24 hrs emergency helpline service for: CECS works with collaborating organization ‘Prodigals Home’ along with Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Women’s cell and other organizations. The programme has been under CECS since 2011, “As per the data of CHILDLINE Dimapur there has been nearly 3000 calls in the span of two years and more than 400 cases. Most of the cases are related to Domestic Child labour and child trafficking. Many of these children were run away cases from employers because of the physical and sexual abuse. There is a great urgency to advocate and create awareness on the issue.”

6) National Child Labour Project (NCLP): Started in the year 2010 with three (3) NCLP centres, at present there are 20 NCLP Centers under Community Educational Centre Society. All together 1000 children under 5 (five) to 14 (fourteen) years are enrolled under NCLP. Most of them are children/students who were never enrolled in any formal schools or mostly dropped out from schools.

“The main aim is to identify those children who are working in industry, company or in any kinds of occupation and mainstream them into educational institutions or schools”

NCLP follows activities like

Till Date (Provide with centre & number of children enrolled)


7) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is Government of India's flagship programme for achievement of Universalization of Elementary Education (UEE) in a time bound manner, as mandated by 86th amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory Education to the Children of 6-14 years age group, a Fundamental Right. CECS started the SSA programme in the year 2008.

A brief  report  on  Out  of School  Children(OoSC)/never enrolled in DMC area conducted  by Community  Educational  Centre  Society (CECS) 2012.

 During the survey some points that came to light through information given by children and parents as to why most children are out of school or never enrolled. Some of the major factors were:

a)      Poverty: One of the biggest and the main reason or stigma for which students cannot go to school is because of poverty. In this situation parents cannot afford to send their children to school because of the lack of money. They cannot afford their fees and books as a result of which they are forced to drop out from school. As a result children are forced to work in order to earn their living at an early stage to support their parents and contribute to their family income so as to make both ends meet.

b)      Neglect: Lack of self interest in studies is another reason for many drop outs. Some of the parents don’t look after their own children or pay attention by giving time or spending time with them and as a result of which the children go astray. Even if the child is enrolled in schools the parents neglect the importance of their child’s education and as a result of these children lose interest in their studies and drop out of schools. Most parents are illiterate and therefore unaware of the importance of child education.

c)      Abandoned or Orphaned: Another reason is that some of the children are left abandoned by their parents. There have been some cases where one of the parents dies and the other one get remarried as a result of which their new step father or step mother ignores the child and his/her needs and for which the child finally lands up in labour work to earn his/her livelihood at a young age leaving them with less option and no other opportunity. Another reason is due to the death of both the biological parents of the child when there is no one to look after the child or leaving the child with uncaring family members. For this reason the child ends up leaving school and just remains idle or even starts labouring in order to earn his living.

d)     Unavailability of seats in Government institutions: When parents cannot afford to send the children to private schools. The Government schools are already full and there are no vacant seats to admit more children so some of the children are just left without getting admitted.

e)      Homeless: Some families dwelling in undeveloped areas become victims of natural calamities like fire, flood etc. leaving them homeless, children of these families drop out of schools. Their circumstances leave them financially crippled. Most of the municipal areas get flooded during summer and during which many children lose their books and uniforms and their belongings which is also a factor in dropping out of school.

f)       Early responsibilities: Some of the parents are daily wage labourers and go to work every day daily in the morning and come back late at night. Children whose parents are daily wage laboures tend to take family responsibilities like looking after the young ones and their homes leading to missed opportunities.

SSA (Enrollment Chart………)

8) RAJESHWARI KARUNA SCHOOL, TULI: “Upcoming infrastructure”

With the vision to bring the underprivileged from & around the tribal and rural areas of Nagaland and borders of Assam, Community Educational Centre Society with the help and support from ‘The Hans Foundation’ has set out to build a residential school for poor and underprivileged. The aim is to provide hostels and residential schooling for under privileged children with the best schooling infrastructure & deliver proper facilities needed for a high quality education.

This project is intended to benefit the underprivileged tribal children in the rural areas. Given our location and plan of a fully residential/day school in a potentially growth area, it will benefit quite a number of tribal children from neighboring state of Assam too. The school has the potential to develop into a model school which can be replicated by others thereby benefiting more underprivileged children in the near future.


Project Goal


Ensuring right to Education to deprived rural children with special emphasis on “Girl Child” in Tuli area under Mokokchung District and 5 other adjoining district of Nagaland State and adjoining neighboring state of Assam through integration of support system and responsive community action.

Outcome 1

Children have hope and vision for the future

Outcome 2

Quality education for 300 students delivered through creation of students friendly learning spaces

Outcome 3

Increased access to various top rated educational/technical institutions

Outcome 4

Child age specific  PTA members trained on school management

Outcome 5

Infrastructure development for providing standardized education


9) Open Shelter Home: In 2007 CECS started Night shelter intended as a temporary home for homeless children, it was renamed as ‘Open Shelter Home’ in the year 2011. At present shelter home is being operated under CECS with support from Integrated Child Protection Scheme ICPS, a centrally sponsored scheme aimed at building a protective environment for children in difficult circumstances, as well as other vulnerable children. Presently Open Shelter Home is running successfully, it has a seat intake to shelter 25 children. The home is for:

ü  Child in need for care

ü  Homeless children

ü  Runaway children

ü  Street children, etc.

With exception for children in conflict with law

Main focus:

-          To rehabilitate children in need

-          Providing needful means/amenities to children

-          Given care and also imparting non-formal education

-          Provide counseling  and  health  care system

10) Mobile Health Unit (MHU)This programme is supported by ‘The Hans Foundation’ with the initiation by CECS in reaching the rural and remote areas of the state by providing health care with focus on women and child. MHU will provide free medicines, health check-ups, link to referral services, for promotion of healthy lifestyles etc., Also focusing on diet & nutrition for feeding mothers as well as her infant, by spreading awareness and need for healthy practices. The purpose of this centre is to act as an agent to the ‘mobile health Clinic’. It can even be termed as the ‘health police’ since the project will aim to cover each district in the state to:

Ø  provide health awareness camp, in rural and inaccessible/remote villages of the district

Ø  act and provide ambulance services to areas that are far from health clinics/ main district hospitals

Ø  conduct in-depth study on the areas and the kind of diseases prevalent in their areas

Ø  to ensure that the studies conducted are fully recorded and taking measurable steps to combat them

Ø  act as agents to record the studies taken from the areas covered and promote their stories

The center will act as

Ø  Clinic centre for nearby villages and Districts

Ø  The head centre for ‘Mobile heath Units’

Ø  It will act as the missionary for villages by reaching to the roots and the finding prevalent and pressing health issues faced by the community

Ø  The target will be women and child related issues on importance like: Child birth, Maternity, Nutrition and other women and child related issues.

Ø  Deploy health units to provide health care and necessary facilities/medicines needed according to the findings.


For more than 8 years CECS has involved itself in working with promotion of education and awareness towards child rights. The organization has conducted occasional “health camps” inside the school campuses, we also conduct awareness on sanitation and cleanliness in and around the school area.

Our main objective through this programme will be:

a.       To reach rural masses with poor health facilities

b.      Train functionaries who will act as volunteers to spread awareness during health camps

c.       To discover and bring to light the areas/districts that are afflicted to the poorest health facilities

d.      Access to public health services such as Women’s health, child health, water, sanitation & hygiene, immunization, and Nutrition.

e.       Promotion of healthy lifestyles

End Note: There have been constant changes in the activities of the organization, since CECS has gone through positive measure of changes both functional as well as social outputs. The organization’s aim to bring changes  in society is gradually taking its steps to success.

Our main focus being women and child, CECS is named as one of the pioneer organization to advocate child rights in and around the state. We as an organization believe that ‘every opportunity comes with a chance, to make the change we want to see’. Therefore we hope to work with that belief and a positive attitude


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